Leaked New PS4 Model 'Neo': Everything You Need To Know

8. Game Functions/Features WillNOT BeRestricted To The NEO

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CD Projekt RED

From Austin Walker's writeup on Giant Bomb, "There will be no NEO-only games, and Sony will not let developers separate NEO users from original PS4 players while playing on PSN."

Thank the heavens, as this was the big worry. Once you get past the confusion around whether games themselves will only then be available on the newest hardware - like Nintendo's New 3DS SNES functionality - the next thing is game modes themselves.

Sony have put a great big "Nope!" sign in front of that notion, as the NEO's capabilities are almost entirely performance-based.

The new system will play all the games you already own, and nothing in terms of exclusive features, DLC, online modes etc. will be exclusive. It feels like Sony are giving console owners who'd like to have something like better textures and frame rates the option, whereas the rest of us who don't really care, can keep playing the full product.


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