Legend Of Zelda: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appear In One Game

1. Midna - Twilight Princess

Midna Twilight Princess

It looks like Twilight Princess is taking the top two spots on this list, and that's hardly surprising as it's easily one of the franchise's most one-of-a-kind instalments. While Zant was a fascinating villain, Midna stole the show as the most well-developed companion character in the series and even managed to wrestle with Link as the game's protagonist.

While Zant thinks of himself as the ruler of the Twilight Realm, that honour actually goes to Midna. She was converted into her small animal-like form after Zant usurped her from the throne. This led her to seek the help of Link as she battled with him to rescue her land and stop Zant.

The character is massively entertaining thanks to her initially mischievous and mysterious energy. She uses Link and manipulates him to achieve her means and seems to be a sinister character, but as the game continues, you learn more about her, and she changes. You soon find out about her position as the Twilight Princess (woah, look at that) as she develops a strong bond with Link as a welcome ally.

Watching her go from an amusing but seemingly untrustworthy monster to a ruler and compassionate friend is one of the best character arcs the LOZ series has ever performed.

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