LEGO Dimensions Year 2: 8 Things We Learned About Sonic, Harry Potter, Adventure Time & More

8. Sonic Rules

LEGO Sonic
Warner Bros./Lego

Back when it was first announced the speeding blue hedgehog would be making the leap over to Lego Dimensions, Gaming Editor Scott Tailford commented to me that this could wind up being the best Sonic game in nigh-on twenty years. Sure, that’s not a high bar, and Sonic Mania dampens the hype somewhat, but as it stands now he wasn't wrong.

The gameplay we saw was just pure, classic Sonic with a Lego twist; the iconic worlds have all been recreated in the most accurate way possible - for his levels the studs are all rings - visually stirring up major feelings of nostalgia and allowing for gameplay like the classic – you can run-and-gun through it.

This is the standout of point-of-interest for Year 2, at least for players of a certain age – levels aside, the Sonic character is just great fun to play with, fast, powerful and having little Genesis-esque dreams – and will be a must-buy for 90s kids.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.