Madden 20 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

4. Unique Training Camps For Each Team

Madden 19
EA Sports

Attention, EA Sports: all 32 NFL teams don't share the same training facility. The Steelers don't come in on Wednesday, chip off that Titans logo, slap their own one onto the building and get to work. That'd be ridiculous, but it's seemingly how things work in Madden's universe.

A little variation would go a long way here.

Nobody is suggesting that EA need to fully replicate Pittsburgh's training camp at Saint Vincent College or anything, but they should have a different facility template to everyone else. We're sick of seeing the same one, basically, because it makes practices dull, lifeless affairs that don't reflect real NFL culture.

Seeing the Florida sun pour down on the Buffalo Bills during mid-December training drills is strange, and it doesn't add up when they're then braving snow drifts at New Era Field come the weekend. Being able to train in the same conditions teams actually play in is basic stuff.

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