Madden 21 Wishlist: 10 Things We Want To See

1. A Real Next-Gen Experience

Ps5 Concept Creator

If Madden's recent release cycle is anything to go by, then the next game will drop somewhere in the first three weeks of August 2020. Meanwhile, Sony has already confirmed that their new PS5 console will release during the holiday period slightly later in the year (October-December).


This could be troublesome for Madden 21's development. EA will either release an untouched 'Legacy' edition of the game on current-gen hardware and save a souped-up version for the newer systems like PS5 and Microsoft's next Xbox or co-develop two completely new iterations of the game.

Either way, they must deliver a next-gen Madden worth savouring. It's a nightmare to think that those who patiently wait for the first one on PS5 won't get a game worth waiting months for. Madden 21 on newer hardware must blow everyone away, otherwise it could set the series back for years like FIFA 20 threatened to with that lofty franchise.

What else do you want to see in Madden 21? For more, check out Madden 20: 8 Tips To Play Like A Boss and 10 Wrestling Matches That Led To Massive Lawsuits!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.