Madden NFL 21 Review: 4 Ups & 8 Downs

1. The Yard Is A Fun Diversion

Madden 21
EA Sports

Depending on what type of gamer you are, The Yard might be a difference-maker.

It's a 6v6 matchup between big-time star players with no quarters, no time limits, an 80-yard field and three offensive possessions each. You're also allowed to make multiple throws behind the line of scrimmage to keep rivals guessing, which is a really nice touch and gives each game a unique flavour.

Arguably, EA could've done more to flesh out the mode with some sort of league structure or mini-Franchise integration, but what's here is fun. The wacky uniforms you can customise and overall focus on over-the-top plays make this a blast with friends.

There's potential here, but that's been said before with other modes (like 'Face Of The Franchise') in recent Madden history. Still, this will appeal to a select group of casual players who think Madden's main feature set is a bit po-faced and serious.

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