Madden NFL 21 Review: 4 Ups & 8 Downs

7. Presentation Is Seriously Old Hat

Madden 21
EA Sports

NFL broadcasts are routinely slick pieces of business that throw endless overlays, up-to-the-minute stats and enough product placement to make one sick. Somehow, that's all part of the charm, and it's something Madden 21 completely skips.

Their presentation is seriously outdated in 2020.

Commentary regurgitates the same lines fans have been hearing for years (with only a few updates here and there that soon become as tiresome as everything else), players and coaches don't react realistically on the sidelines and the pre-match intros are lifeless and dull.

There's a total lack of half-time banter too, which is a missed opportunity to inject some real-world sports elements. This is particularly weird in Franchise Mode when you should care about what's happening at other stadiums.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.