Madden NFL 23 Review: 3 Ups & 7 Downs


3. Punt Returns Are Improved

Madden 23
EA Sports

All of the 'Ups' are gameplay related, which is nice to report.

Firstly, you might find some success on punt returns. Previously, getting anywhere beyond the 20-25 yard line was borderline impossible on higher difficulties. Now, likely thanks in part to looser tackling animations, there's way more variety in returns (both for you and the AI teams).

Touchdowns are still rare in these instances, as they should be, but they're a real punch-the-air moment when you score one. Kudos to EA for getting the balance right here. They've somehow managed to make you believe that getting over midfield on a return is achievable with the right runner.

Obviously, this is something to look out for when you're the one punting. CPU teams will torch your tacklers like never before, so make sure to switch control from punter to somebody else on the squad unless you don't care about opposition sides starting their latest possession on your 30 yard line.

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