Mafia 3: 8 Big Things It Got Wrong

6. Weapon And Ammo Limits

mafia 3

In an attempt at realism, Mafia 3 only lets you carry two weapons at a time; a handgun and a large weapon (a choice of shotgun, assault rifle, large rifle or a special weapon).

Whilst this is the standard for many recent FPS games, the majority of open world sandbox titles let you carry several weapons at a time. Having to choose which firearms you want to use before each activity gets frustrating, as you just want to be able to carry all types instead.

It’s not like there’s a realistic animation of Lincoln carrying the rifle and taking it from his back to use, either; it just disappears into the ether like all other sandbox games, so there’s no real reason why you’re limited to just two.

Max Payne 3, this ain't.

If ammo was plentiful, then the two weapons wouldn’t be so bad. But all weapons have very limited ammo, meaning you really have to get your aim spot on, especially when the enemies can often take a full clip to put down.

Enemies do drop plenty of ammo, but if you find yourself pinned down in a corner, you can easily completely run out, resulting in a quick trip to the loading screen and your old friend, the last checkpoint.


Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.