Mafia 3 DLC: 8 Things You Need To Know About The Season Pass

1. "Stones Unturned" Will Flesh Out Lincoln And Donovan's Relationship

mafia 3 iii vietnam

I love Donovan. He's just an absolutely fantastic character from the ground up; tenacious to the core, resilient, and just downright enjoyable to watch onscreen. Lane Compton's performance, without doubt, is also pretty damn spectacular.

Equally as enjoyable to watch, was the CIA man's friendship with Lincoln. Without giving away much, if anything, about the two's past, it was obvious the Vietnam veterans had a great deal of history together. Sure, we saw a clear reverence from Donovan directed towards Lincoln, but the details surrounding their time in Vietnam were deliberately obfuscated; for this DLC, so it would seem.

Going off of the concept art alone, it could be the case that this particular package will follow a non-linear narrative, taking the two from the jungles of Cambodia and Vietnam to the bayou to confront an old enemy in what sounds like a Platoon-esque rivalry. In which case, expect Mafia's brutality to take centre stage along with a heavy focus on the conflict itself.

Tom Berenger's Sergeant Barnes has to be, without doubt, the most loathsome movie villain I've ever encountered, so even the vaguest of resemblances between him and this epilogue's antagonist will be enough justification (at least in my eyes) to procure a season pass. Regardless, more time with Lincoln and Donovan is time well spent - that much can't be in dispute.


Are you looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for Mafia III? Or have you clocked enough hours in New Bordeaux already? Let us know in the comments below!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.