Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

9. You Don't Need Items To Dodge A Blue Shell

Discovered by Redditor TorizoPrime, it's actually possible to outrun a Blue Shell through sheer momentum if you manage to maintain a boosted top speed for long enough.

Check out the above clip for a look at how to do this on Toad's Turnpike using the Villager, but it's only a matter of time until players figure out more ways of doing so on other tracks. In addition, there are multiple other ways to dodge the Blue Shell you can read about here, including triggering a Mushroom when the Shell is in its 'upright' position, slowing down to let the next person take the hit, and even diving off the course to let Lakitu catch you, just as it connects.

Either way, the Blue Shell may still be intimidating, but at least MK Deluxe gives you more options than ever when attempting to survive one.

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