Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

5. Bananas Have A VERY Slight Auto-Aim When Thrown Forward

Doesn't that video just warm your heart? It IS going to be okay after all. Life is going to be okay, even when all is lost. Even when something knocks you for a loop and leaves you standing there, pondering on the nature of purpose, wondering how to go on, there is a way.

That way, is the humble banana skin.

As a power-up, these tend to be cast aside as you approach the next box, hoping for something that locks-on or has a more obvious use, other than throwing one behind you and hoping for the best. However, hold forward when you prod L, and you'll fling a banana out ahead of you - a throw that actually has a slight lock-on, surprisingly enough.

Use it on large open straights to really fling the banana down the track, or when coming up to tight corners, aim your kart 'into' the apex and throw it to where the fastest path opens back up, hopefully nailing the person ahead in the process.

As seen above, if done well, it can be an absolute sky-punching life-saver.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.