Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 14 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

13. Do Tricks Off Parts Of The Environment That Aren't Ramps

Mario kart 8

The tucked away tutorial prompts note that if you hit R when going over ramps, you'll trigger a trick animation that then results in another boost. However, this can be done on various other parts of various other courses - ones that appear as makeshift 'ramps' where you get unintentional air.

The undulating depths of Bowser's Castle, for example, or the large serpent in Cloudtop Cruise whose angular spine you can attempt to navigate. Even the logs that litter the floor on the downward sprint of Toad Harbor - anything that looks as though you'd get some air off it, can usually be triggered using R for a full boost.

Make a point of learning the courses just as much as the characters to locate all these spots. Find the lines through each one you can comfortably handle, and give yourself a 'home advantage' whenever a race takes place on your favourite track.

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