Marvel Gaming Universe CONFIRMED - What Needs To Happen Next

2. How The Sequel Can Make Everything Bigger

Spider-Man PS4 2 Miles Morales
Marvel Comics/Insomniac

Spider-Man 2 may not have even been announced yet, but those teasers at the end of the game all point to one saga in particular coming to the MGU: the Alien Costume one.

Together with Miles Morales as another Spider-Man, Norman Osborn inching forward to his Goblin identity and Harry with a symbiote of his own, it's clear that this next game is going to push the story in an even bolder direction. While said direction should obviously focus on Spider-Man's world specifically, going one step further and turning those references and Easter eggs into tangible cameos would be the next logical step; maybe Peter Parker gets into trouble, and Matt Murdock makes good on his promise and defends him in court?

Either way, it's clear that the ante will be upped once more, and while any story broaching the symbiote has to be about Spidey start to finish, integrating the character further into the fabric of this new mythos would go far in establishing it as the perfect counterweight to Marvel's cinematic properties - especially with the emphasis on a distinctly different kind of mythos carrying it forward.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.