Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game NEVER Told You

1. Know Specific Synergy Attacks And ALWAYS Use Them

marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

There's a very simple way to play MUA 3, and it involves battering thousands of foes with all manner of candy-coloured specials.

However, on tougher difficulties, a subtly effective system of numerics, percentages and damage buffs comes into play, and you'll need to know an enemy's specific weakness to target it effectively.

Study the chart below (uploaded to Imgur), and take note of group splash damage attacks, elementals, ranged bursts etc.

marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 synergy

Build your team accordingly, taking these things into account, dedicated ranged fighters, heavy characters with aerial dominance, ISO-8 makeup etc., and you'll be framing XP and upgrades in no time.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.