Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

5. Combat Lacks Depth

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Storm

While the combat is indeed spectacular and satisfying to watch, it doesn't require much critical thinking to pull off.

As mentioned it is simplistic, and there's added depth when it comes to blocking, dodging and combining abilities, but it's not much. For a game like this that might be fine, as it's targeting players of all ages and making sure they have fun, but a bit more complexity wouldn't have hurt.

It's only a real problem because the combat in the previous games - while still as straightforward - had a couple of additional elements that added depth. Even a grapple button (which featured in the other titles) would have been welcome. Not only would it have allowed you to throw enemies (and Wolverine) around the environment, it would have added another tool to your arsenal.

This, combined with fusion attacks that feel like streamlined versions of those included in MUA 2, makes the third game's combat feel like a touch of a step back in many places, even if it is still a joy to engage with.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3