Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

4. Characters Are Comic-Accurate

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Wolverine

As briefly touched upon earlier, the character models featured in Ultimate Alliance 3 are stunning, but it's the way that each one instantly feels like the iconic heroes and villains they're adapted from that makes them so special.

The influence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is strong, but it isn't as overbearing as you might have worried. Some characters are evidently modelled after their movie counterparts - for instance, the voice actors for Star Lord and Iron Man do some pretty solid Chris Pratt and Robert Downey Jr. impressions respectively - but that's not actually a negative.

The word "impressions" probably does the performances an injustice, as they're all delivered with gusto that makes each hero instantly recognisable. They're the real deal, rather than imitations.

With such an expansive roster and so many characters packed in even outside of those playable, you'd except a couple of heroes to feel a little half-baked, but none really do. Whether it's little quips from Daredevil saying he does his best fighting in hallways, or the amazing intro sequences for Ant-Man and Hawkeye, Team Ninja have nailed these characters both visually and in the writing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3