Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

5. Co-Op Is A Whole Load Of Fun (In The Right Conditions)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Venom

While every game is better in co-op, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3's four-player set up is made for making buddying up with friends as enjoyable and easy as possible. Whether you're playing on the same Switch via drop-in, drop-out co-op or online, playing with friends is always a smooth experience, with the frame rate never once dipping in my experience, and the action remaining as fluid as ever.

Having another player beside you also adds more depth to the special abilities, as you can manually fire them off together rather than have them automatically combine with the computer-controlled characters. That synchronicity is something that's still satisfying in single-player, but hits another level in co-op.

It also encourages you to stick with and learn one character as well, really getting to understand the pros and cons of each one in a way that isn't really encouraged in the single-player, as you're free to jump around not only the four members in your party, but the dozens of superheroes waiting to be swapped out in the menu screen.

It isn't perfect though. By not having split-screen, it can occasionally be difficult to follow your character in the hectic action, while players are tethered extremely close together which can lead to frustrating moments where the camera engages in a tug of war between the different players. These are small issues though, and don't detract too much from the experience overall.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3