Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

2. Set-Pieces Are Genuinely Inspired

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Kingpin

Though MUA 3 does have an issue with repetition (which I'll get to later), it's minimised by imaginative action set-pieces around every corner. Each level is littered with so many bosses and sub-bosses that keep the gameplay loop interesting, even though you're ostensibly doing the same objectives over and over again.

One particularly spectacular moment sees you fighting on the outside of Avengers tower, battling off waves of enemies while Giant Man and Ultimo, towering over Manhattan, duke it out behind you. Details like this, and the way Sentinels crash and destroy parts of Xavier's Mansion, award the game with a sense of scale and wonder it could have easily lacked.

There are some genuine surprises in there as well, which I couldn't possibly spoil here.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3