Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

1. It Will Make You Fall In Love With Marvel All Over Again

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order
Team Ninja

The best thing about Ultimate Alliance 3, though, is that with every session, every second spent playing, it will make you fall in love with the Marvel universe over and over again.

The passion for these characters and this universe is present at every step, and playing as heroes you might not have even heard of encourages you to seek them out, find their films, TV shows or comics and learn more about them and their stories.

One of the biggest criticisms is that you'll come out the other end wishing you could have spent more time with certain characters, been free to explore certain areas, or had even more story to chew on. And when wanting more is considered a drawback, you know you've tapped into something special.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3