Marvel's Avengers: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

4. The Power Levels Are Way Off

Marvel's Avengers Game
Crystal Dynamics

Why is it that beating up enemies as The Hulk feels no different to playing as Ms. Marvel? The Jade Giant is the strongest superhero on the planet, but it takes just as many punches to put down an enemy as it does fighting as any other hero. Thor is the God of Thunder, but Black Widow is able to take on the enemies he does, defeating them in the exact same amount of time.

The power levels are just all over the place, and while each character boasts different special moves, none of those really feel more effective than the others, and when you are surrounded by a group of enemies, getting through them takes just as much time no matter which hero you're in control of.

It's a confusing approach, and like Square Enix's idea of making sure gamers don't just blast through levels as The Hulk. However, that could have easily been solved by having different types of baddies emerge depending on who you're playing as, but it seems the technology that went into making Marvel's Avengers just wasn't anywhere near that good.


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