Marvel's Avengers: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

5. The Levels Are Boring

Marvel's Avengers Game
Square Enix

Remember all those great issues of The Avengers comic book when Earth's Mightiest Heroes would race through identical corridor after identical corridor beating up villains who all looked exactly the same? Probably not, as those don't exist, but that's very much the premise of Marvel's Avengers!

Uninspired designs mean this game looks bland, and there's little enjoyment to be found fighting robots who all look the same as each other. Ultimately, this makes for a boring experience, and running from room to room pushing buttons and jumping across gaps isn't worthy of the current generation of consoles (neither is having to kill a required amount of baddies before moving on).

In the levels where you do get some freedom to roam, it will be hard not to get frustrated by the fact those end the second every objective is completed, meaning all that loot remains behind. Of course, it's often easy enough to just ignore enemies as once you do smash the required target, they'll disappear...ah, just like in the comics, right? Again, nope.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.