Marvel's Avengers Trailer Breakdown - 12 Things Everyone Totally Missed

2. A Helicarrier Heads Straight For New York

Marvels Avengers Thor New York
Square Enix

There are few vehicles in the Marvel universe as iconic as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, which is why it's so concerning that one appears to be hurtling straight for the middle of NYC.

Fortunately the God of Thunder is on the case, using Mjolnir to power the two remaining turbines at the front of the vehicle. This looks to be an actual gameplay segment and not a cutscene, but it's the exact kind of set-piece that should empower players and make them feel like they're actually a part of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

It looks to be a similar set-up to what Stark encounters while in space, and while an actual city isn't confirmed in this image, it does look an awful lot like Manhattan.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.