Mass Effect 2: 10 Reasons Why It's The Best Sci-Fi Game Of All Time

4. Player Classes That Feel Genuinely Distinct

Mass effect 2

When playing the original Mass Effect, the selection of classes was appreciated but was difficult to recommend certain ones due to the game's combat balancing issues. Additionally, the likes of the Engineer didn't really have many toys at their disposal. With ME2, they rebalanced the game and made it so you had six distinct playstyles to choose from, each as viable and fun as the other.

Whether you want a biotic-heavy super soldier or a brutal shock trooper that can warp across the map, your options are open. While plenty of games have class systems, it's so refreshing to feel that any choice is a worthy one.

The game includes every kind of enemy (organic, synthetic) so that engineers have plenty of targets to hack and control, but the likes of the non-biotic soldier has so much firepower and weaponry that they're just as much an asset as any other fighter.

Just like you can form what kind of person Commander Shepard is, these classes allow you to form what kind of fighter they are as well.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.