Mass Effect 4: 10 Big Things That Could Ruin It

1. The Hype

If there is one thing that has the greatest chance of ruining the next Mass Effect, it's the hype itself. The Mass Effect series has one of the largest and most vocal fanbases, and for good reason. Despite the negativity surrounding Mass Effect 3, the hype is still going strong for this franchise. One could even argue that the expectations for the next game are even higher because of the bad taste left after the last game. Faith in Bioware isn€™t what it used to be. This is a chance for them to seriously consider fan feedback, deliver a product that is worthy of the brand, and correct the mistakes made last time. So yes, there is actually a lot riding on the success of the next instalment of the Mass Effect series, and it is entirely possible for it to not live up to expectations. Maybe its graphical capabilities will leave something to be desired. Or maybe the game won't be as open as expected. Or maybe even the story won't be as good as you hoped. It happens all too often in the video game industry, and Bioware and Mass Effect are by no means an exception to this possibility. Will it be a good game? Probably. Will it be as good as you imagine it could be? That€™s something only time will tell.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.