Mass Effect 4: 10 Big Things That Could Ruin It

8. The Mako

Everyone who has played the first Mass Effect knows how sluggish and awkward driving the Mako was. Sure, some people like the slow, monotonous grind, but the majority of fans find the Mako a laborious experience. Bioware heard this criticism and elected to drop the Mako altogether, which was admittedly a bit drastic. The idea of the Mako is great; it was the execution that needed adjusting. Well, the Mako is finally coming back in part four, and it will be playing a bigger role. This heavier emphasis on vehicular exploration means that it is even more important than ever to get the Mako right this time. If it feels clunky or boring to drive, the entire game would be crippled. No one wants to spend a large portion of the game doing something that isn€™t fun. Again, Bioware has said that a lot of development time has been spent on getting the Mako to feel right. It€™s good to know that the proper amount of effort is being given to the Mako because if Mass Effect 4 is going to place so much emphasis on exploration, it needs the Mako to be a fun and exhilarating vehicle to drive.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.