Mass Effect 4: 10 Big Things That Could Ruin It

7. Boring & Generic Planets

One of the things that has been said about the upcoming new Mass Effect is that it will contain hundreds of solar systems, all with planets to explore. That€™s a bold promise to make for any developer, so much so that it almost seems too good to be true. A Mass Effect game where every planet is a unique adventure sounds like the greatest video game ever. The reality is that there is a very good chance that most of these planets will be generic planets with nothing of note going on. The original game did this, and while it added significantly to the feeling of galactic exploration, it also filled it with long stretches of tedium. So, considering the scope of the project, the promises and the historical precedence, it's more than possible many of the planets will be copy n' pasted wastelands; the result of preferring quantity over quality. While certainly not a deal breaker (it wasn€™t for the original Mass Effect), it would create a slight air of disappointment considering all the hype and promises. One could say it might be best to temper your expectations, but this is Mass Effect. It€™s hard not to get excited.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.