Mass Effect 4: 10 Big Things That Could Ruin It

6. No Casey Hudson

Whatever you may think about Casey Hudson after the ME3 ending debacle, the fact is that he played a huge part in bringing the Mass Effect universe to life. As project director on all three games, he gave sci-fi fans an enriching and engrossing fictional universe full of colourful and well-written characters. Obviously Hudson alone isn€™t solely responsible for Mass Effect as we know it, but he is responsible for managing all the talented artists and programmers; bringing them all together to create a magnificent series of games. And so with this in mind it's a bit disheartening that he will no longer be involved with the franchise. This isn€™t to say that Mass Effect 4 is 'doomed to failure' simply because Hudson isn€™t involved. It could very well end up being the best game in the series. However, there is the chance that without him the next game could go completely off the rails and forget the fundamentals of what gives the series its identity. Honestly, it€™s much too early to tell, especially since the game hasn€™t been seen in action, but it is a genuine concern. Any time control of an established franchise is given to new people, fans should be reasonably and cautiously optimistic. Hopefully Bioware Montreal is up to the task of creating the best Mass Effect game yet.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.