Mass Effect 4: 10 Big Things That Could Ruin It

3. Microtransactions

Another arguably worse practice to recently infect the video game industry is microtrasactions, another shady method by which publishers can squeeze more money out of consumers. It was only just starting to be popularly applied when Mass Effect 3 came out, and now it is in full swing, with most AAA games implementing it in some form or another. It€™s pretty much inevitable at this point that the next Mass Effect will have microtransactions of some kind. Dragon Age: Inquisition used it on the loot system for its multiplayer, so expect something similar. Thankfully DA's multiplayer could still be played reasonably well without indulging in this system, so fingers crossed hopefully the next Mass Effect€™s will be just as benign. It€™s sad that this is as much as you can hope for in regards to microtransactions, but that just goes to show you how malicious of a practice it is. It is a devious and lazy means of progression that nobody on the consumer end likes, and if it finds itself in the next Mass Effect, nothing of value will be gained.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.