Mass Effect 4: 10 Killer E3 Announcements BioWare Must Make

1. Past Or Future?

BioWare€™s announcement that Shepard will not be returning for the next instalment in the series is a bittersweet revelation. Though we understand that his/her story had reached its natural close, it is sad to leave a character who we have grown very attached to since they debuted in 2007. Starting a clean slate means that BioWare can lay their proverbial hat wherever they choose within Mass Effect€™s vast, richly detailed and history-filled universe. There are many questions to be answered then; will Mass Effect 4 be on the same galaxy-wide scale as the previous three games or will it instead focus itself somewhat on the hardships of a particular planet? Will we be visiting worlds we€™ve seen before? Most importantly perhaps, where €“ in relation to the original trilogy €“ will it fall in the chronology of what's been depicted so far? Given the ending of Mass Effect 3, there are widespread rumours that the fourth game could take place long before the age of mankind or potentially several thousand years in the future. Of the two main theories, we favour the notion of playing in the future. Though the idea of playing in the past does open the door to some incredibly cool possibilities (such as encountering the Protheans), the idea of living in a universe heavily impacted by your actions as Shepard in the original trilogy is far more compelling. What do you want from the next Mass Effect game? Or is the horrific ending to part 3 just so bad it's put you off altogether? Let us know in the comments!

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.