Mass Effect 4: 10 Killer E3 Announcements BioWare Must Make

5. Multiple Playable Races

In the Mass Effect games you have previously been given the option to customise your character as well as the limited option of choosing whether you are male or female. Unlike in many other notable RPGs, you are forced to play as a human in a galaxy teeming with diverse, wonderful alien races. In the fourth instalment in the franchise, we€™d like to see the possibility to play as other races like the Asari, Quarian and Krogan. For too long has BioWare unfairly prioritised we mammals €“ with the transition to the next-gen we should finally be given the option to experience what it€™s like to play as one of the Mass Effect universe€™s many awesome aliens. If we were able to choose to play as an alien race maybe it could replace the choice of €˜class€™, so for example rather than choosing if you wanted to be a soldier or a biotic you would choose between human and Asari respectively. This would mean your abilities would be affected by your race and if you were say a Krogan, your abilities would be far more geared towards brute force than anything else.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.