Mass Effect 4: 10 Past Mistakes It Must Avoid

9. Releasing Essential Content As DLC

Although Mass Effect 3 made the biggest error in this regard, the practice of withholding extremely important story events behind a paywall had been going on in the series ever since the second game. You only have to look at the pivotal Arrival DLC that came out shortly after the release of the second entry to see that essential story content was being sold at a premium outside of the base experience. Although extra content can be a fantastic way to keep audiences engaged in your product (and off a Used Game shelf), it can pose a real problem - especially in a series so lore-focused as Mass Effect - when integral story events or vital characters aren€™t included in the main game. Take Javik's inclusion in the third title for instance, you€™d think that the inclusion of a Prothean in the this trilogy-ending entry would be hugely important to the series' overall plot; you know, considering they€™re just about the most mysterious and influential race to be featured in the franchise other than the villainous Reapers. Yet unless you paid extra for Mass Effect 3, to this day you wouldn€™t even have an inkling into Javik or his species' background - which would be fine, if information on this didn't form the crux of essentially all three games.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3