8. More Exploration

Mass Effect has always had a strong exploration bent, allowing players to fly all over the galaxy and check out planets. While the actual execution of the exploration in the games is debatable (I, for one, hate the Mako, while others swear by it, and lets not get into planet scanning), its safe to say that theres plenty more to see in the Mass Effect universe. In fact, the codex says that only about 1% of the galaxy is explored by the time Shepards story arc ends. A new saga benefits exploration in two ways: 1) We can see stuff that the original saga missed and 2) It gives Bioware an opportunity to flesh out some of the locations we only caught glimpses of. The first is pretty obvious we havent seen a lot of developed planets in the first three games. It doesnt help that in ME3, most of them were being blown up, and that we were constantly teased by Cerberus Daily News stories about wars and disasters on planets we never saw. The second is something you need to think about we really didnt see all that much of the worlds Shepard and company set foot on. Even with DLC expanding some of them, like Illium and Omega, theres plenty left untouched for new games to use.