Mass Effect 4: 10 Reasons BioWare Must Start A New Saga

3. The Reapers Were Never Interesting

Reaper Fleet Villains or antagonists are a major cornerstone and litmus test of a story. If they€™re interesting and three dimensional characters, they€™re a major benefit to the story. If they€™re not, then they sap out a lot of the energy and tension, forcing everything else to carry the story. And sadly, the villains of the Shepard Saga are the least interesting part of the entire Mass Effect trilogy. Why? The Reapers are basically mecha space Cthulhu€™s that want to kill/harvest all life in the galaxy for reasons. Everything about them is generic and taken from some other work of fiction. Their appearance? H.P. Lovecraft. Their €œharvest all life in the galaxy€ schtick? Taken from Revelation Space. Their booming voices? Generic villain trait. There€™s nothing really interesting about them as characters or antagonists €“ especially not after the conversation with Sovereign on Virimire. After spilling the entire Reaper plan to Shepard, Sovereign doesn€™t answer the one question that can make or break a villain: why? In that moment, the Reapers were revealed as the plot devices they were. The Reapers don€™t exist as characters, just as backstory for the galaxy at large and motivation for the events of the games. That€™s why Mass Effect 2, the least Reaper focused game in the trilogy, is the best game: the Reapers are barely in it and serve their function. They cause the story to happen, but it€™s the characters and their adventures that are the focus and what people actually care about.
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