Mass Effect 4: 10 Reasons BioWare Must Start A New Saga

4. New Cast, New Stories

Silhouttes For Bioware, making ME4 a fresh start in terms of story and character might be the best thing to do. After all, Mass Effect fans have spent five years with Shepard and company, trying to beat the Reapers before they wiped out all life in the galaxy. We€™ve barely skimmed the surface of the ME universe, its inhabitants, and the amount of stories that can be told €“ why not make a new story that expands on some aspect of the universe that the games barely touched on? Not only that, but it€™s time for Bioware to break out of its writing rut and a new ME game is the best way to make it happen. It€™s been common knowledge for a while that Bioware uses the same basic plot and character templates so they can work faster. But doing the €œancient evil awakens€ plot twice in a row isn€™t going to help win over newcomers or people disappointed by how Shepard€™s saga ended. It€™s time for Bioware to step up to challenge and show that their writing prowess isn€™t just the result of a formula €“ make something new, with a new cast players can care about, and prove that Mass Effect isn€™t just a flash in the pan.
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