Mass Effect 4: 10 Things It Must Learn From Dragon Age: Inquisition

6. Delay If You Have To

Dragon Age: Inquisition may be a fantastic game, but it does have its fair share of bugs and glitches. Erratic NPC behaviour, random audio drops, floating bodies, and conversations that fail to progress are just some of the glitches that you are bound to run into at least once. Most of them are minor, but some of them are so bad that you have to reload your save. All this is to say that, while Inquisition was already delayed once, it still could have used another month or two to address these issues. The game is extremely polished in most areas, which makes your encounter with glitches and bugs all the more jarring. Sure it would have been annoying to have to wait even longer, but the game would have been better for it, and that is what matters in the end. Nobody wants to see the next Mass Effect suffer from these kinds of glitches, and so while it may be painful, Bioware should not be afraid to delay it if necessary. We€™ve seen what happens when a Mass Effect game is rushed. To evade a similar fate Bioware should take their time, which it seems they are, and that€™s good. Inquisition€™s bugs may not be as crippling as the recent debacle Assassin€™s Creed Unity, but encountering them is still an unpleasant and immersion breaking experience. Every game would benefit from having as little bugs as possible, and Mass Effect 4 is no different. If delaying it at some point is necessary to accomplish this then so be it.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.