Mass Effect 4: 10 Things We Want From BioWare's New Saga

1. What Happened To Shepard?

Regardless of how most people felt about the original and extended endings, I felt that all the endings concluded Shepard's tale amazingly and beautifully. Many have argued what is the true ending, and I think the great thing Bioware have done is that they've designed all their endings to stand on their own, and returning to the original concept of giving players the choice of how they would have concluded the trilogy. But although Shepard's story has been concluded, it doesn't mean he won't be involved in the sequel, in-fact his final fate could be involved in a teaser capacity with the sequel's story. I am sure most of you are yelling at your computers "How can he if he's crippled, an ex-genocidal machine or disintegrated?" If Bioware is adapt for anything, it's creating unlikely situation and turning it into good story twist, if they can kill him and bring him back to life they can do almost anything. I mean it's no coincidence that Shepard takes that last breath in the destroy ending, you could even argue that Shepard's consciousness is locked away in the minds of all the individuals that were synthesized, and don't even get me started on the possibilities of Reaper-Shepard. At any rate, you can be almost guaranteed this isn't the last time we'll see Shepard.


Aaron Neil Scanlon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.