Mass Effect 4: 10 Things We Want From BioWare's New Saga

2. Revisiting Old Comrades

One thing I love about Bioware is being known to create mature complex stories. They have also created some fascinating and intriguing characters like Samara, a remorseless Justicar dedicated to her order's strict code of punishing the wicked. Her reason for becoming Justicar is a result of her daughter, a genetic aberration who's very nature is to kill individuals which she seduces. This is just one of the many characters which share Bioware's morally grey design, so it begs the question, what are they doing with themselves after the events of the Reaper War? I think in a sequel where everything should be fresh, your prior squadmates should only be involved in an interaction capacity. I mean we have no idea at what year this sequel could possibly take, they could be pensioners for all we know! I think a cool idea would be to see some characters high up in some organization, perhaps even seated on the council, I mean how cool would it be see Garrus as a grizzled old training instructor for the Spectres, or even training the sequel's hero? Regardless of where and when this sequel is based (hopefully not going the prequel route), it ultimately has to conclude their stories.

Aaron Neil Scanlon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.