Mass Effect 4: 10 Ways It Can Revolutionise The Franchise

1. Make The Player Feel Small

In a game series that operates on a galactic scale, it is important to make the player feel small. The trilogy certainly accomplished this, especially in regards to the nature of the Reapers and the cycle of extinction. But this feeling can always be taken further, and the next game should prioritize this. All the previously made points should work towards instilling a feeling of smallness within the player. Space should feel limitless in its grandness, and every planet you set foot on should humble you with its scope. You should feel insignificant, but not unimportant. Danger and discovery should be around every corner. So many RPG€™s overwhelm the player with things to see and do, and if there were any game series that could naturally pull this feeling off, it€™s Mass Effect. The trilogy remains the most epic video game series of all time in terms of the sheer scope of its narrative, and the next game should continue to reach higher, but in a different but equally compelling way. Emphasis should be on the dichotomy of the universe. There should be times where you feel utterly alone; helpless and frightened by what lurks in the unknown corners of space. There should also be moments where you are awestruck by its spectacular beauty. This may sound like a tall order for a video game, but the Mass Effect series is no stranger to moments like these. The next game needs to emphasize them even more. Despite the accomplishments of the trilogy, there is still so much untapped potential in the Mass Effect series, which is why it is such a relief to know it€™s not going anywhere. Who knows what the future holds, but for now, fans wait in bated breath for the next instalment of this beloved franchise. Excited for the next Mass Effect? What do you think would revolutionize the franchise? Let us know in the comments!

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.