10. More Dialogue Wheels

What was also rather disappointing about Mass Effect 3 was its pronounced lack of dialogue wheels; so many spoken scenes went by without giving the player a single choice, despite the dialogue appearing to veer in that direction. It is as though BioWare had decided that the finale wasn't going to be informed all that much by the previous games when it came to the crunch, so why bother fooling players into thinking otherwise anyway? Though context of course came into play during the game's cut-scenes, choice was really stricken from the record this time around, and it merely felt like we were going to the motions, whereas the first two games actually felt like they were building towards something. It's a simple one to remedy; just include more of the damn things, and make them matter, but don't impose an objective morality onto it as we mentioned above. Keep it vague, yet simply clear that something is happening and our choices do account for something. We think with these choices - or at least some of them - Mass Effect 4 could really be something special. Let us know what you think in the comments below.