Mass Effect 4: 10 Ways To Fix A Broken Series

4. Proper Co-Op Campaign

When I heard that Mass Effect 3 was to be bestowed with a multiplayer component, I was overjoyed, as the thought of taking down the Reapers with my pals at my side sounded like one of the few ways to make the series even more fun and enjoyable than it already is. However, we of course didn't end up with that possibility, and the final product simply offered a rather generic 4-player c0-op mode in which you and three friends (or strangers) attack hordes of enemies for as long as you possibly can, earning points in the process that contribute to your "Galactic Readiness" rating in the single-player offering. The multi-player having such an effect on the single-player - and essentially punishing those who didn't want to opt into the online stuff - was heavily criticised, so we can hope that the fourth time around, they might invest some time in a proper co-op. Imagine connecting with a mate over Xbox Live or PSN as you might have done on Halo or Call of Duty, and playing through a 20-plus-hour game over a few days; it's a great way to make gaming more social and involving, though we can't guarantee you'll make the same dialogue wheel choices or want to sit through all the same cut-scenes...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]