3. Contextualise Mass Effect 3

Most of us wound up so irked and upset by the end of Mass Effect 3 that it couldn't hurt if the writers help give it a little extra context in the fourth game, whatever time or place it ends up being set in. Be wary, "contextualise" doesn't mean the same as "ret-con" - though many will immediately jump to that assumption - and the writers should be sure not to change past events to suit their new direction, whatever that is. Simply, much like the recent DLC, they can build on the mess they created and try to steer it clear of anymore fanboy vitriol, rather than simply ignore it and pretend that it didn't happen. One such way would be to set the game a fair way into the future, whereby we can see the effect of Shepard's war against the Reapers; this would also be an interesting and novel for players to make use of their ME3 saves. Whatever choice you made could have an impact several-hundred years into the future. Places your bets on where the Shepard statue is placed now...