Mass Effect 4: 12 Mistakes Bioware's Next Gen Sequel Must Avoid

12. No Controller Support On PC

Thanks to Microsoft, the Xbox 360's controller has become the default controller for PC gamers who don't want to use a keyboard and mouse or complicated button mapping software for other console controllers. But in one of the most bizarre development decisions ever, none of the PC versions of Mass Effect allow you to play with gamepad instead of a keyboard and mouse. Even PC ports of Japanese games and indie games have the ability to use gamepads, although it might not work properly. In all fairness to Bioware, they do a great job with creating user interfaces that are optimized for keyboard and mouse players. But one of the PC's greatest strengths is that you can configure your setup however you want, and Bioware has inadvertently removed options for the gamer. And with plenty of last gen console gamers jumping ship to PC and a strong push from PC hardware manufacturers for systems that fit in the living room, now is the time to bring proper controller support to PC Mass Effect games. Not only that, but since all the new consoles have PC architecture and their controllers will have PC drivers, not a lot of time and effort needs to be spent on setting up the controller interface on PC. There's little downside to something that makes it easier for people to jump and play with no hassles, even if it has to be an optional download.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.