Mass Effect 4: Andromeda - 10 Lessons It Must Learn From The Witcher 3

1. More Environmental Storytelling

The Witcher 3 is set in an easily identifiable post-war world. Villagers have been displaced from their homes, battlefields remain strewn with corpses, and rebels hang from trees as a warning to others who may be flirting with seditious ideas. Even though you visit some stunning locations in the game, the whole land is pervaded by a sense of loss and tragedy. Mass Effect Andromeda will be filled with a diverse number of planets and environs for you to visit, and it's not likely that all of them will be unified by a single overarching mood like The Witcher 3. But if Andromeda's areas are to feel like actual places rather than as generic spaceports or dead planets, then it needs to be filled with the little visual details that make Wild Hunt so immersive. Walking around The Witcher 3 for half an hour, you get a feel for the land very quickly. Andromeda needs to recreate the same feeling with the planets you get to visit. Has a planet been ravaged by war? Is it a place where one race is treated worse than another? What kind of political system is it governed by? All these things should be hinted at simply by walking around, rather than having to read diary entries or listen to audio logs (which have their place too, of course). Let us know what you'd like to see carry over in the comments, and please create an account if you'd like to write for the site!

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.