Its been mentioned countless times that Mass Effects paragon/renegade morality system is pointless handholding that only strong arms you into choosing one or the other. Even other Bioware games, such as Dragon Age, let you make choices without being explicit about their morality. While Andromeda doesnt necessarily have to scrap the paragon/renegade system all together, most fans would agree that it needs to be more flexible. Previous games forced you to choose a path lest you lose out on important dialogue options. This should no longer be the case. Paragon and renegade should just be a guide; a means of expressing the general principles behind the choices you make. Frankly, thats all the game needs. Punishing players for refusing to consistently choose one or the other isnt fun; all it does is frustrate. By making this one simple change, you would be free to make choices based on what you truly feel is right at a given moment, instead of based on whether youve decided to play as paragon or renegade. Honestly, there are many more ways to improve Mass Effects morality system, but this one change would be a good start towards making Andromeda an objectively better game than any of the previous instalments. What other small changes do you think would make Mass Effect: Andromeda better than its predecessors? Let us know in the comments!