Mass Effect 4 Andromeda: 10 Things We Need To See At E3 2016

5. The Multiplayer

Mass Effect Multiplayer

Multiplayer was a somewhat controversial addition to Mass Effect 3, with many fearing that it took away precious man hours from the development of the single player. Never the less, it was actually pretty fun, allowing you to play as other alien species for the first time, including Krogans, Salarians, Asari, and even Geth.

It should come as no surprise then that Andromeda is going to have multiplayer as well, and rumor has it that it will be very similar to what was presented in Mass Effect 3. But that doesnt mean it will be exactly the same, nor should it be. More is expected out of Mass Effects second foray into multiplayer, and E3 is the perfect time to officially reveal what this multiplayer will entail, including any new modes, aliens, and even how it might tie into the single player.

Yes, most of the interest in Mass Effect lies in its single player, but there is genuine interest to be had in just how Bioware is going to evolve Mass Effects multiplayer in a way that feels fresh, engaging, and can compete in the increasingly competitive industry. Its very possible Bioware will wait to reveal this at a later date, but dont be surprised if we get at least a few tidbits concerning Andromedas multiplayer at E3.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.