Mass Effect 4 Andromeda: 12 Brand New Details You Need To Know

10. The Story - You Are Known As 'The Pathfinder'

Not the most original choice there, Bioware, as the noun 'Pathfinder' has already been used in a terrible 2007 movie, and remains more associated with an ongoing run of comics baring the title. Regardless, the basic premise of Andromeda is that you're cast as 'The Pathfinder', a chosen human who's trekking out across the galaxy to look for somewhere the human race can call home. In a neat twist, you'll be joined by other races (so far being just the Krogans) that are also seeking somewhere for their species' to thrive, essentially proving the various endings to the original trilogy are canon. At the close of ME 3, the entire galaxy's worth of races had converged on Earth to stop the Reapers, and with the Mass Relays gone, our planet is most likely drained of its resources, forcing various factions to unite and take to the stars. It's a pretty awesome continuation of an ending that looked to have nowhere left to go, and also lets you play humanity as essentially the newcomers to the galaxy all over again, rather like how the original Mass Effect forced you to prove the species' worth to a judgemental Council, and then every race you came across.
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