Mass Effect 4 Wishlist: 11 Things Fans Demand

3. Multiple Playable Races

As we delved into over here, opening up the possibilities for race-relations yourself would be an incredibly immediate way to change the perspective given on the galaxy at any one time. The Elder Scrolls games have executed on this idea flawlessly multiple times, and although on older hardware you're always going to be limited in the amount of overarching variations the game will provide depending on who or what you are, it's a great way to expand upon any given mythology in a meaningful way. Imagine being able to get into the metallic hide of a Geth, forever bound to the hivemind's doing, but wanting to explore the galaxy first-hand. The same goes for a Quarian and their Migrant Fleet, or the Asari and the potential to become a devout Justicar instead. It's obviously a lot of work to bring a story to life for just one hero, but if there's any developer that can realise an even greater, more varied vision whilst factoring in all the possibilities, it's Bioware.
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