Mass Effect 4 Wishlist: 11 Things Fans Demand

7. Truthful Marketing

Between Destiny, Alien: Colonial Marines, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Watch Dogs and more, there's been quite the handful of bubbles burst come the time when consumers finally get their hands on a retail product, and it'd be a disturbing trend in desperate need of addressing if it was any more frequent. Still, hopefully Bioware have learnt their lesson when it comes to what happened through the lead-up and release of Mass Effect 3, and can instead get back to the otherwise harmonious sense of love between creator and fan they had throughout both the first game release and post-launch periods. It's not much to ask, but please don't sell your game as something it's not. If we're going to be going down a more linear route albeit within a galaxy we love then fine. Don't hide the turret sequences and don't try and say it's 'our' experience when it's only going to end one of three ways - if you have a dedicated vision you think is best then stick to it. The worst thing that gamers are increasingly becoming sick of is being lied to.
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