Mass Effect 5: 10 Perfect Ways Bioware Can Save The Franchise

10. Demonstrate Strong Marketing And Faith In The Product

Mass Effect Andromeda

Even if you weren't aware that various key members of Bioware departed in the wake of ME3's diabolic conclusion, the way EA drip-fed Andromeda's existence to the public was straight-up weird. Considering the story potential of what 'another Mass Effect' could be, fans actually got their first look during the unveiling of the PS4 Pro, where Andromeda was thrown in to sell some fancy 'dynamic lighting' effects for Sony's new system.

Then... nothing.

Nothing except multiplayer trailers and low-key "Welcome to the Andromeda Initiative" tidbits anyway, and nothing that even attempted to convince the masses that Bioware knew what they were doing. The assumption was that EA had granted another use of the license for nothing more than cashing in on its namesake, and naturally, come launch, solid shooting mechanics couldn't disguise the fact that Mass Effect Andromeda was about as essential to the canon as Han Solo shooting second was to Star Wars.

When EA finally get round to doing Mass Effect 5, they need to address the complaints head-on. Activision are currently apologising profusely for the state of Infinite Warfare as they attempt to showcase Call of Duty: WWII, and although apologies aren't necessary here, it's not hard to get Mass Effect fans excited, so get to it.

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